Making every second count....

I had a very revealing month just gone and as I sit here waiting to board the plane to Finland, I am having a quiet word with myself in introspective reflection. I was visited by family first my mother and then my baby brother, both I thank eternally for the unconditional love I felt and have always felt. My mother's visit was especially revealing for she came for an entire month and I stayed by her side each day in and out that she was here. We even rented a studio and slept in the same bed and such close proximity has been scarce to say the least... My mother lives in Singapore and currently I live in Paris, so we don't see one another an awful lot.

My Mother, and our relationship has evolved ten-fold. Having her here this time, as I mature and see her more and more for the beautiful and strong woman she is and want to absorb every bit of goodness that comes forth from and or because of her rather than nit pick at tiny irrelevant things harboured from unresolved and distant issues tht no longer even matter.... Truth of the matter is; we had limited time, we HAVE limited time, so we might as well make this time count. I founded a new and bloomed patience as I grasped the fact that time has passed, my mother is aging and I have to grow and mature with this particular reality just as she had when I had just founded my voice and learnt how to ask "why Mummy?...why?" about a million times and each time she would find the patience to entertain my newness to the world and my profound curiosity.
I was reminded of the boundless healing power that love yields and I decided that I was going to, and with all my might, to hold onto and keep close the things that matter and keep connections connected and to try to distant myself from things and people that were simply not adding to my life, despite what their seeming Intentions might have been, or how long i might have known them...  I was at a point feeling heavy and low, then lower, and finally realised that I had been giving certain individuals too much power and letting them extract what really they did not deserve; my energy and goodwill. I really had enough. I will keep good touch with the ones who count and remain civil to the rest but really, civil is all..i can at least do that, but that is it.

"Half the harm that is done in this world is by people who want to feel important. They don't mean to do harm,
But the harm does not interest them.
Or they do not see it,
Or they justify it because they are absorbed in the endless struggle to think well of themselves"
-T.S Elliot

I want to walk along the right Path and keep each step in check. I want what is good for me and others and to mean what I say and say what I mean. 
Therein lies my reason for my voyage to Tampere, Finland today. Keeping close.....To that which matters.....

It has started and it feels great! Good day to all!


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